विद्यार्थियों को तकलीफ देने की अपनी परंपरा को मुंबई विश्वविद्यालय ने जारी रखा है। इस साल मुंबई विश्वविद्यालय ने अप्रेल में हुए परीक्षाओं के...
Month: July 2017
Hello friends! MU is back!! And so am I with the greatest new updates of MU that never fail to amuse me. And I...
Hello Friends, I have been working in the IT sector for quite some time. When I was studying, I, like others, aspired to work...
बहुत जी लिए सिर्फ खुद के लिए, अब जीना है अपने साथ सभी के लिए । सरहद पर जान देने वालों में से एक...
Dear Spark Readers, we have been writing and updating all of you regarding the situation in IT sector. This piece is to give you...
Demonetisation was supposed to hurt corruption but instead it hurt 1.5 million people by taking away their jobs.
Stop troubling students night and day! Hello my dear friends! Last week we posted news for you about the struggle of IIT-B students against...
Statement of the Maharashtra Regional Council of the Lok Raj Sangathan and the Kamgar Ekta Committee July 2017 Dear Tech Professionals, All of...
Forceful protests by thousands of people denouncing inequality and expressing concern over climate crisis before the G-20 Summit at Hamburg, Germany in July 2017....
Statement by Maharashtra Committee of Lok Raj Sangathan and Kamgar Ekta Committee, 5 June 2017 In recent months thousands of IT workers from large...