Date: 20th Nov 2018
Aabha (Indian) Aatiqa (Pakistani)
Asalam Walekum!
Sab khairiyat?
Things are good here. How is the buffalo selling going on?
Has the 2 thousand 989 crore statue brought unity and peace?
At least we have money and are not so desperate that we have to sell buffaloes to get money…
Oh, so you have money for a statue but not for the poor people of your country?
PM has launched the Ayushman Yojna for the poor unlike your country; we do care for the poor…
Date: 21st Nov 2018
Oh yeah, I looked into that. It excludes ALL of you.
I agree, practically it excludes everyone but at least they thought of doing something for the poor. What has your government done?
Our PM has a “Naya Pakistan” plan that guarantees new housing units and an increase in employment due to that…
Date: 22nd Nov 2018
All these promises are just empty words as your unemployment rate is steady at 6% since 2015
Date: 23rd Nov 2018
We can go on blaming each other’s country but the reality is neither of us decides nor do the millions residing in our country decide as to where our countries are headed…
Why the sudden change in your thinking?
Our discussions over the past few days made me do some detailed research about our countries in an attempt to prove that mine is better. But however much I dug deep, all I could find was convincing words by our politicians which ultimately turned out to be empty promises…All I could find was the rich are getting richer and the poor getting poorer in both our countries. In all this we are not even able to hold the politicians who come to power accountable…
Date: 24th Nov 2018
I did my research to prove you wrong but what I found was that regardless of which party came to power the people ALWAYS lose.
But somebody is benefitting, right?
“Ambani’s net worth is 45 billion US dollars along with some other super rich…So, yes, somebody is benefiting!
Shahid Khan’s net worth is 4 billion. They tell us that hard work brings success. But everyone we know spend their entire lives struggling but can never even think of coming close to that figure.
The economic inequality gets worse every year with the top 1% capturing 73% of the wealth.
Top 10% Pakistanis pay only 10% of their income in taxes whereas the poorest end up giving 16%, excluding indirect taxes
(Refer to previous Spark issue)
Most of the tax money is spent on things that aren’t necessary for our people.
Yes, even over here people’s necessities are food, clothing, shelter, sanitation and health care and these are completely neglected.
All this creates frustration which is channelized by the rulers to spread enmity among each other as well as between our two countries.
Just like a diversion!! But what about your friendship with the US?
The economy of the US relies on waging war between the countries, so how can the people really benefit when the aim was to break the country..?
The past friendship of US with all countries has resulted in their destruction. We Pakistanis have learnt it the hard way.
So friendship with the US is dangerous for us as well!
Date: 25th Nov 2018
Yesterday, I stumbled on a Facebook post on Indo-Pak friendship and I found an overwhelming number of people commenting with their agreement
But, this friendship will only benefit the people whereas the rulers & especially the US will be completely against it.
Even if the rulers of both countries come together, the US will not allow that to happen.
Date: 26th Nov 2018
I absolutely loved your post on Pakistan-India friendship!!
Oh wow! That’s lovely to hear!
I truly believe if more people are able to receive this message it will change this situation of animosity created between us
Yes, friend. I couldn’t agree more.
Let’s talk in peace quotes!
“We want to live by each other’s happiness, not by each other’s misery.”
“I am because you are”
“The past does not equal the future unless we stay here. Let’s move forward.”
“One day Indians and Pakistanis will look across the border and see themselves. Not us versus them.”
“Pakistan is a peace loving country”
“People of India want only development, prosperity and peace.”
I’ve found this beautiful example of how borders have failed to restrict hearts and emotions.
Two Pakistani boys saying
“We have a friend who lives on the other side of the river. This time every day, he comes back from school and stands near the river and throws stones in the water. We do the same and whoever gets their stone the farthest, wins. The river makes it hard for us to talk. But we do know that he is an Indian Kashmiri because he on the river’s other side”
These are our peace loving people.
Yes, our people!