We watch news channels in the hope of getting updates on real issues that is faced by us. But is the mainstream media in our country doing justice to that? Or is the mainstream media working to divert people’s attention from their real issues? Is it discussing real people’s issues such as poor quality education, healthcare, environment, women’s safety, public transport, farmers distress, inflation, unemployment, bank crisis, etc.?
These are the questions that come to our mind after looking at last around 200 debates that were conducted by four media channels, Aaj Tak, News18, Zee News, and India TV. In above image we can see, 79 debates were conducted on attacking Pakistan, 66 on attacking the opposition, 36 on praising or promoting Modi/BJP, 14 on Ram Mandir and only 3 on Bihar floods, 1 on rape case against Swami Chinmayanand and 1 on PMC Bank scam.
Let’s see how many debates were conducted on real issues of people: Zero debates on unemployment, education, healthcare, farmer’s distress, poverty & malnutrition, women’s safety, environment protection, etc.
Starting with women’s safety, it is said that if women do not feel safe in any society, that society has not right to exist. On such an important issue, the government runs flagship program of “beti bachao, beti padhao” but India is being ranked as the one of world’s most dangerous country for women. And the worst is that the violence against women is increasing day by day. Yet, our media does not think it is important!
Pollution is very much visible to everyone with even breathing becoming difficult at times. India is in such a dangerous situation as depicted in above image, with 7 of world’s 10 most polluted cities are in India. Yet, the environment is being destroyed in day light with govt’s support. Take the recent example of Aarey forest in Mumbai, where people were lathi charged and imprisoned for standing against environment destruction. Once again, no debate on environment protection.
Delhi government had to declare a health emergency due very bad air quality. Many people die all over India due to illnesses caused by pollution. It also shows how bad or expensive healthcare facilities are in India. But again, this health emergency or public healthcare does not deserve any time, according to our TV channels!
Unemployment crisis in worst in India but 0 debate on this issue.
You and I are feeling worried about the safety our money deposited in banks after the massive fraud in PMC Bank. Many people have lost their lives. Such a major crisis got only 1 debate on our channels.
Government claims India is the fastest growing economy of the world. But does that growth mean anything if hunger is growing in the country? Should TV channels not discuss this? No, as per TV channels.
Government is privatising almost every sector be it railway or other public transport, electricity distribution, banks, education. This privation will not only hurt workers also users of these services but 0 debates against any of these moves of the government.
So, the question that comes to my mind that if the mainstream media is not concerned people’s issues, whose issues are they taking care of? Let’s think and discuss.